Aitken's generalised least squares normal equation 艾特肯广义最小平方正规方程
In the end, the normal equation is given of load spectrum tested. 文末给出实测荷载谱的标准化方程。
The equations of blade flap motion coefficients are a set of contradiction equations, and are calculated by means of the normal equation method and the conjugate gradient method. 并用法方程法及共轭斜量法求解了一种属于矛盾方程的挥舞运动系数方程组,取得一致结果。
In the inversion, singular value decomposition is introduced to solve normal equation so as to obtain model parameter variables. 反演中采用奇异值分解法(SVD)解正规方程,以便得到模型参数修改量。
We adopted the linearization mutation means to establish the normal equation series, and obtained the polynomial regression equation of the ecology factors such as amount of yak? sheep and goat in the northwest highland area of Sichuan province. 采用线性化变换方法,建立正规方程组,获得了川西北高原地区牦牛、绵羊及山羊数量多个生态因子间的多项式回归方程。
This paper derives the formulae of maximum conditional probability density estimation used for extended control network suitable for one, and sum up composition method of the equivalent normal equation and the coefficient matrix of unknowns. 本文作者从整体平差原理出发,推导了Qx^′2奇异时扩建网的极大条件密度估计公式,总结了等价法方程和参数协因数阵的组成规律。
Generally, a linear least squares problem leads to ihc solution of the so called normal equation. 解线性最小二乘问题时,通常都要解所谓正规方程。
Non-zero Element Dynamic Memory Trigonometric Decomposition Method of Large-scale Sparse Positive Definite Normal Equation 大型稀疏正定法方程非零动态存储三角分解法
The improved normal equation solutions are simple and clear, convenient in use, can also gain the contracted and stable computing results which are fully same as results computed in the second plan, have a fine applicability to engineering. 改进后的正规方程法算法简单明了、应用方便,计算结果收敛、稳定,且与二次规划法的计算结果完全相同,具有良好的工程适用性。
Considering that plasma produced by linear polarized light in strong field has low temperature and high ionization degree, instead of normal equation of calculating inverse bremsstrahlung rate, zero temperature approximation is adopted. 考虑到强场线极化光产生的等离子体的高电离度和低电子温度的特点,采用了有别于通常计算逆轫致吸收的方法,用零温度近似计算逆轫致效应。
By contrast with trial method, normal equation method and plan solution method, present solution has good convergence stability, practicability and higher calculation accuracy. 与普通的试算法、正规方程法、规划求解法等数解法及图解法相比,该算法具有良好的收敛稳定性、方便实用性及较高的计算精度。
Results of computations show that the new method can not only reduce the ill-conditioning in the efficient matrix of normal equation, but also resist the interference of outliers within observations effectively, which makes the solutions of parameters both accurate and reliable. 计算结果表明,抗差岭型组合主成分估计不但能克服法方程系数阵病态性的影响,而且能有效地抵制观测值中粗差的异常干扰,使参数的解更为准确可靠。
The principle of linear prediction analysis of speech signal is introduced, the autocorrelation method, the Burg method, the covariance method which are used to solve the normal equation are analyzed in detail, then a comparison of the three methods are given. 介绍语音信号的线性预测分析原理,并详细分析用来求解线性预测正则方程的自相关法、Burg法、协方差法的原理和计算方法,并对算法进行了比较。
The method of block adjustment is employed to estimate parameters. The method of parameters elimination is introduced to eliminate the receiver clock error and the satellite clock error, accordingly, the dimension of normal equation is reduced effectively. 运用分区平差法估计参数,利用参数消去法消去卫星钟差和接收机钟差参数,有效的减少了法方程的维数;
Under general feasible set, in consideration of the algorithms for nonsmooth equations and the properties of projection map, the algorithms using the normal equation to solve are discussed. 在一般可行集下,结合非光滑方程组解法及投影映射的性质,讨论了法方程求解变分不等式问题的算法构成。
The Other Form of Regression Coefficient Covariance Matrix of a Normal Equation 正规方程另一形式的回归系数协方差矩阵
For this situation, the method of Ridge Estimation 、 the method of spectrum correction iteration and the method of restricted condition are discussed to eliminate the ill condition of the normal equation; 针对此情况,笔者探讨了用岭估计法、谱迭代修正法、附加约束法来消除其病态性;
In two general displacements beam bending theory of solid mechanics, the bending and vibration problems are described by two high order differential equations. This paper presentes a new method and treats them in normal equation. 将固体力学中具有两个广义位移的梁弯曲问题和振动问题的高阶方程组,转换成正则方程的形式,以矩阵分析为数学工具,求解此正则方程组得到他们的通解。
The question of rank-deficient normal equation of making autonomous orbit determination with distance and velocity observations among satellites is discussed, and the method of modifying the systematic error on the ground is supported. 研究了利用星间距离观测值或速度观测值进行导航卫星自主定轨时存在的卫星星座整体旋转的问题,并提出了消除该系统误差的地面校正法。
The result demonstrates that the new method not only has characteristics of computation converging fast and the normal equation solving stably, but also has high precision. 并根据相关分析提出了一种新的方法&合并相关项求解法。试验结果表明:这一方法不仅具有计算收敛快、法方程答解稳定等特点,而且具有较高的解算精度。
Power system state estimation is usually formulated as a weighted least-squares problem and is solved iteratively by the normal equation method. 电力系统加权最小二乘准则的状态估计,通常采用正规方程法。
The solution to the normal equation of variational inequalities problem ( VIP) is considered. 研究了变分不等式问题的法方程解法。
The triangular decomposition of normal equation matrix is appended supplementarily explaining the outcome of Givens transformation of a design matrix. 作为附录,给出了法方程矩阵的三角分解,以补充说明设计矩阵的Givens变换结果。
The Dependence of the Number of Kinetic Parameters on the Condition Number of Normal Equation 动力学参数数目与法方程条件数的关系
The causes of rank defect of normal equation are analyzed, and then the problems are solved by advancing different method to different causes. 分析了法方程出现秩亏的可能原因,针对不同的原因提出了解决办法。
Tikhonov regularization is applied to solve the inverse problem since the transfer equation is in general over? determined and its normal equation is ill-conditioned. 由于传递方程一般是超定的,且其正规方程严重病态,本文采用Tikhonov正则化方法,求逆问题的正则解。
The coefficient matrix of normal equation which is comr puted strictly is used as the standard of controlling accuracy. 用严格计算的法方程系数矩阵作为控制精度的标准。
Parameters in Normal Equation are modified by using MATLAB and we can get the calculating model of K factor suitable for the Loess and Sandy slope soil of highway. 运用Matlab对诺模方程进行了修正,得到了适用于公路沿线地区黄土和风沙土高速公路边坡的土壤可蚀性因子K的计算模型。
The spatial structure of lower layers is investigated by field method. Refraction error correction is actualized by the method of radial normal equation referring to refractive index profile of atmosphere. 对低层大气空间结构采用区域法进行研究,在得到大气折射率剖面之后,折射误差修正则采用射线规范方程法。